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Security Considerations When You Have Pets

adt-miami-petsThere is no denying that Americans, in general, love their pets. Dogs, cats, fish, hamsters, you name it, millions of households have some type of pet we look after. Though not all pets are for show; some pets perform double duties as friend and protector. Below are some pet considerations for protecting your home when pets are present.

As far as home protection and pets go, it would be simple to start rattling off the different types of dog breeds which could best protect your home. Most people would instantly start thinking about the biggest and meanest dog breeds available. Instead of big and mean, small and loud is also a viable option. A small dog alerting you to a prowler can be just as valuable as a snarling Rottweiler. Sure, you will not get the added protection of the dog chasing a bad guy away; but an early detection can provide you with time to alert the authorities.

As far as other pets providing protection from criminals your options are very limited. Cats, hamsters and goldfish are as about as useful as a dishcloth when it comes to protecting your home. Although there have been news reports of cats alerting home owner to intruders, but those stories are few and far between.

So, if you want to protect your home and you own a dog, consider the following. Keep your dog indoors at night. Prowlers come prepared with items which can quickly dispatch your four legged friend. Not to sound like an alarmist, but bad guys have been known to kill or subdue dogs with knives, tazers, guns, and even poison. Keeping them inside will not allow an intruder the opportunity to harm your pet by such means.

Also, and in case you use a doggy door as many pet owners do, make sure the door is secured or monitored by a system like ADT. Doggy doors provide easy access to nimble home intruders. Most of these types of doors are located in back doors and out of view from your neighbors. Criminals look for these targets of opportunity and capitalize on them without thought or concern.

If you are a homeowner concerned with criminals targeting your home, as most of us are, fight back with a professionally installed ADT system in your Miami area home. Such a system will grant you piece of mind and will protect you, your family, and your pets 24/7 from the criminal unknown.

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