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Keep Burglars Out With A Home Security Alarm In Miami

Keep Burglars Out With A Home Security Alarm In MiamiToo many people believe that home invasions and burglaries happen randomly. Nothing could be further from the truth. Preventing a burglary begins with consideration for ways that a burglar thinks. Anyone looking for a house that is easily entered would visit the neighborhood in the quest to find an easy target. A wise homeowner will walk the neighborhood in broad daylight and evaluate the situation objectively. Homes with visible security system signs have many other common factors. A security system is an excellent deterrent when coupled with wise safety practices.

A security system backed by a monitoring program will reduce the chance of a break-in by 400 percent. The alarm permit sticker assures any potential miscreant that a break-in will not occur unnoticed. A neighborhood street that is lined with homes protected by security systems will convey a powerful message to anyone with ill intentions. The signs are effective, but nothing works better than to keep burglars out with a home security alarm in Miami.

Burglary 101 – The Basics

All homeowners within view should work together to monitor the street out front and the fence line across the back of the property. Police departments rely on observant neighbors for quick alerts of suspicious activity. A nosey neighbor might be irritating, but that person will notice a stranger in a matter of minutes. The police can be notified, which reduces the chance that a home would be burglarized.

Every home on the block should utilize exterior lighting and timers to establish a pattern that is sustained whether people are home or away. Secured doors, windows and gates are essential in the quest reduce unauthorized entry.

Burglars know how to recognize a home that is not secured. Crime can be reduced by embracing some simple habits that will close the door to thieves.

– Create a presence that appears as though the family is always at home.

– Unless someone in the family is outside, the doors and windows should be locked at all times. Even at night, every possible entry must be secured.

– Use timed lights every day to create a pattern that is difficult to decipher. Neighbors will become used to the pattern and never be certain if the family is home or away. Timers are inexpensive and turn lights on without intervention.

– The garage door must be closed and locked at all times. The contents of the garage are a loud advertisement to the potential thief.

– Stop all deliveries of mail, packages, newspapers and flyers whenever the family is away. A friendly, reliable neighbor is essential for home security when the family is absent.

– Lawn maintenance activities should be hired if an extended vacation, or other absence, is planned for the near future.

– Attempt to open locked doors and windows from the outside. Replace all inadequate locks with strong locking mechanisms. Ensure that all exterior doors have deadbolt locks.

– Sliding glass doors must be secured with a pin that is drilled through the center frame of the door.

Remove All TemptationKeep Burglars Out With A Home Security Alarm In Miami`

The best way to keep burglars out with a home security alarm in Miami is to avoid displaying prized possessions inside the home. Ground-level windows provide a broad view of the contents on the lower floor. In the evening, go outside and walk in front of the house on the sidewalk. Evaluate the visibility of expensive belongings. Ensure that all windows are covered and valuables are not visible.

– Store all useful items out of sight. Grills, bicycles and lawn mowers must be covered when the garage door has windows.

– All external storage sheds must be secured with adequate locks.

– Ensure that all ground-floor windows are obscured with shades or curtains, including garage door windows.

– Avoid the use of notes that could be read by someone with misplaced intentions. The wrong person can read a note that says, “Gone until 4 pm.”

Flimsy Locks Must Be Replaced

A door is only as secure as the lock is strong. The length of the bolts in the face plate will determine how much force is required to kick in the door. Wise residents will change the locks if the keys are lost or immediately after moving into a new place. No one can be completely sure how many keys the previous occupants had made.

Remove Exterior Obstacles to Security

Additional exterior lights will illuminate large blank walls and paths to the doors and windows. Thieves prefer shady places, such as overgrown trees and shrubs, to hide while seeking a way to gain entry. Well-trimmed shrubs and space between the house and exterior decorative features will allow that nosey neighbor to see suspicious activity.

Secure the Windows

Every window will have a sensor that will alert the security system of breakage to the windowpanes. Most people would rather prevent intrusion by installing security pins in the windows that are reachable from the ground level. A 3/16 inch hole that is drilled into the window frame into the outside frame will hold a nail that will prevent unauthorized entry through the window.

Advantages Offered by the Alarm System

In the early days, a home security alarm would contact the authorities for home invasion or fire. Today, ADT home security systems allow a homeowner to change the thermostat, turn lights on and off or view the interior and exterior of the home.

– Many homeowners have captured video images of potential burglars who were attempting to gain access to the property. The authorities can use these images to track down burglars of other homes in the area.

– ADT security systems can be tailored to meet the homeowner’s needs. Anyone who is away from home a great deal needs control over the home’s basic systems. Cellular technology allows a homeowner to monitor the home and gain valuable peace of mind.

– An armed alarm system will act as a valuable deterrent to crime. Home insurance companies reward homeowners for consistent use of the alarm system because the risk of loss is mitigated.

Safety Measures, if the Home is Invaded

After arriving home, an occupant might discover an exterior door that is ajar or a broken window. Everyone must follow these steps to remain safe and prevent destroying evidence that is important to a criminal investigation.

– Do not enter – OR – leave the home at one because the thief might be inside.

– Go to a neighbor’s home and call the police. Even if a cell phone is available, go to a neighbor’s home for your personal safety and security.

– Allow the police to lead the investigation to preserve the evidence on all surfaces where fingerprints could remain.

– Record all license plate numbers of vehicles that are not familiar. Note specific descriptions of people who do not belong in the neighborhood.


Homeowners know that certain actions will prevent the house from becoming interesting to thieves. The problem arises because most people do not believe anything bad will happen. Everyone is wise to consider the importance of working together with neighbors and the authorities to create secure neighborhoods where thieves are not welcome. Crime prevention starts with people who refuse to live in fear.

Time is the second reason that many homeowners do not take the time to secure the property from those with misplaced intentions. The steps listed above can be performed across a series of weekends with a careful plan that will improve the security of the entire perimeter. A home security system is one element in the entire plan. Children can participate in the effort to secure their personal belongings from theft.

Gather more information and ask for a FREE in-home consultation. Contact Us to get stared today!

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