If you are lucky enough to have reached a point in life where you can purchase a vacation home, one of the things that may be concerning you is security of that home. A vacation home is just that – a place to spend small pieces of time while you relax and enjoy your home away from home. What about the majority of the time when you are not there? How will you ensure that your vacation home and the valuables contained within it will be safe? The most reliable method is vacation home monitoring systems.
It is not a surprise that all law enforcement agencies agree that the number one way to protect your house without a doubt is by getting a monitored home security system. The fact of just having a sign that indicates that you own an alarm is many times a deterrent in itself for a would-be burglar to go somewhere else for an attempted break in. Home alarm systems have become so inexpensive in the past ten years that every home by now should have one. Twenty years ago any home security system would cost no less than five hundred dollars, and that would be for a basic system not including more than three doors and one motion sensor. However today you can get a complete installation covering all of your door and windows and several motion detectors for as little as 99 dollars. Even though home security systems have become extremely affordable many people still feel they don’t need one. Well to those people I say don’t wait for me to say I told you so because without an alarm system you are ten times more likely to become a victim of a break in. If you still feel you don’t need one or feel you just can’t afford one then the next best thing all law enforcement agencies recommend is to install good locks on all your doors and possibly even tour windows.
Is it logical to own a home and have all your family members and your valuables at risk and really have no way to help protect your home from a home invasion or burglary? Or worse have a fatal incident occur due to lack of judgment on the homeowner’s part? ADT Security Systems help secure your home, and in South Florida, especially Miami Florida, this is a must.
During the past 20 years home burglaries have more than tripled and home invasions have gone up more than 500 %. Residents used to be able to say that in their neighborhood it was safe to leave doors unlocked and a sense of safety was the norm, however today the opposite of that is true. Residents all around the country today have lost that sense of security and are more aware of possible intruders and burglaries than ever before. It used to be that certain neighborhoods were considered safe and other neighborhoods were considered unsafe, but today there is no such thing as a neighborhood in America where residents feel that there is no need to take security measures against possible intruders. With that in mind, this article is intended to cover the most popular and recommended ways of protecting your home from an attempted burglary.
Some things in life we can afford to make a quick decision on like the style and color of your furniture, name brand TV or even the clothes you wear. When it comes to protecting your family a home security system should always be considered. With so many choices you may be asking yourself why an ADT security system is the right choice for you and your home.
If we look at the history of burglar alarm systems , we will find a gradual progress from a simplistic one circuit system to systems which are multizone, intergrated and packed with features. It may be possible that your system is not as antiquated as the systems that were first introduced into our society, yet far from the ones that we find today.
When is it time to consider a wireless home security system? If your fromt door is locked is your home really protected? If there is no security system nine times out of ten, the answer will always be no. If you are considering adding an investment to your home security but fear the monthly investment associated with it, then a wireless ADT security system will provide you with the most minimal cost.
In recent news we were made aware of the buyout of Broadview Security, formerly known as Brinks Home Security, by Tyco International who is the parent company of ADT Security. The purchase of Broadview Security was for a total of almost two billion dollars, which makes it the largest acquisition of any security system company in history. In light of this history making transaction it is easy to see that ADT security is by far the largest and most respected name in home security. Here in South Florida it does not take much investigation to confirm this, all you would have to do is drive down any road in any neighborhood and you would get a firsthand view of the immense impact that ADTs Authorized Dealer Program has had by noticing how every other house has in front of it an ADT yard sign. The only way that ADT has been able to saturate the home security market all over the United States is with the help of their ADT Authorized dealers.
Too often homeowners take their peace of mind and sense of security for granted. The FBI has reported a minor percentage drop in reported home robberies during normal economic time, now with the economy declining the rate for home burglaries has increased significantly. Even living in a society that is more alert and aware due to terrorism, we are far from those days of being worry free from home break ins. Family safety is priceless, and many homeowners are misinformed when it pertains to ensuring their home and family. It is note worthy to pay attention to the following 5 common errors homeowners make when it comes to establishing a safe and secure home.
We are approaching the holiday season. During the holiday season, unoccupied homes filled with new or unopened gifts are inviting targets for thieves. A poll revealed that 60 percent of homeowners going away on vacation worry that their home will be broken into while they are away. There are several points to consider before leaving home for a week or two during the holiday season, or even for just an extended weekend. The first is to make a friend, neighbor or family member aware of your plans and have them visit the house several times during your vacation. They should remove newspapers, mail, or packages from sight and check the entire property. Unclaimed mail is a major indicator to many burglars that a family is away for the holidays.