Home to roughly 500,000 people, Miami is one of America’s favorite cities. Behind the beautiful scenery and metropolitan lifestyle, it also boasts one of the highest crime rates in the nation. With more than 23,000 robberies, burglaries and thefts occurring each year, statistics show that commercial properties are particularly at risk. Take a look at […]
Home security is an issue that every homeowner should be concerned about. Taking the proper steps to ensure that a home has a security system that can protect it from the various threats that are present in the world today is extremely important. As unfortunate as it is, simple locks and fences are no longer […]
Home burglaries in the United States are said to happen about every 15 seconds. That is a terrifying statistic, and should be, particularly for the most at risk victims. Perhaps the easiest and most common victims of all are the elderly. They tend to be inviting, trusting, and simply vulnerable in their progressing age. Burglars […]
It’s hard to imagine your house being burglarized, but it happens to millions of people every year. Miami alone typically faces between 5,000 to 7,000 burglaries a year. While everyone knows that home alarm systems can help prevent this situation, what many people don’t know is how to act right after you notice the burglary. […]
If you live in Coral Gables, Florida you know that it was one of the very first planned communities in Florida and it also pioneered the concept of the ‘gated community’. This concept of a ‘gated community’ became very popular in that it deepens the sense of safety and security that home owners cherish. And […]
ADT is trusted and well respected in the security industry. Its origin dates back to 1874 when it was established as a telegraph company. It continues to operate in the United States and in other parts of the world providing security solutions. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of services designed to […]
Keeping your business safe and secure twenty-four seven is not a luxury, it is a necessity. With rising costs of material goods and the higher incidence of unwarranted crimes, it has become expensive not to avail oneself of an ADT’s Intrusion Detection System. Utilizing cutting edge equipment, ADT Intrusion Detection Systems enable businesses to secure […]
A homeowner looking to protect his or her residence must take a few steps to avoid becoming victimized by thieves or criminals. Now, some steps will not take much effort or time while others will require one to go out of their way to protect their property. With that being said, here are ten practical […]
How will you feel confident that your home is safe when you aren’t around? Homeowners who have vacations planned may feel stressed that their home will be left open to potential criminal activity for an extended period of time. Some may even worry about the safety of their home every time they must commute to […]
People who are concerned about home security in Miami have likely been reading about recent reports of home invasions. Many homeowners mistakenly believe that burglars only rob empty homes, but some actually look for occupied homes, using a ruse to gain entry. They do not have to break in because the homeowner freely lets them […]