5 Reasons Why You Should Install Home-Security Before Traveling
Whatever your reason for leaving your home temporarily, whether it be for a day, a week, or even longer, it is so important to have peace of mind while you are away. Having Miami ADT Home Security can give you that peace of mind.
1. It Protects Your Property. Believe it or not, criminals have stated that seeing a yard sign or window decal made them think twice about targeting a particular home. Burglars are notorious for taking the path of least resistance, so by openly advertising the fact that your home has an alarm, you are already decreasing your chances of being burglarized.
2. It Provides Constant Monitoring. With today’s technological advancements, having your entire home connected and on-alert is easier than ever before. ADT provides around-the-clock service, so if something isn’t right, we’ll know about it.
3. It Instantly Notifies the Police. Most criminals will break in when they know you are not home, thinking this will prevent a 911 call; but with a home-alarm system, at the first sign of criminal activity, the authorities will automatically be alerted
4. It Alerts for Non-Burglary Emergencies. Fires and flood damage are two other disastrous things that no homeowner wants to come home to. With the option to have smoke and water level detectors installed, you can be alerted when either of these sensors detects something out of the ordinary.
5. It’s Affordable. For as little as $1 a day, you can receive home protection from ADT. It really is a small price to pay, especially when considering that the average homeowner loss from a burglary is $2,185.
So wherever your vacation destination is and no matter how long you plan on being away, ADT Miami wants you to rest well knowing that your home is protected by top-of-the-line technology and serviced 24/7 by people who genuinely care about you and the property that you hold dear.